Top 3 for 2023
Aug 07, 2023
As 2023 reaches the half way mark, it’s timely to check in with my figures and see what outcomes my clients were most excited about as a result of their efforts with The BreatheWell Program. This program is underpinned by a variety of measurements and client progress is monitored closely as the course is completed. It is so inspiring to revisit the starting point as a stark reminder of how quickly change can be made and how significant the changes can be. I could ramble on all day about the science, the numbers and the physiological benefits that each of my clients has shown, but in their words, the Top 3 for 2023 are:
1 - I am sleeping like a baby….. Mrs P
The difference in sleep quality was a significant benefit that almost every, single one of my clients has reported in 2023…… Falling asleep easily within 10-15mins of getting into bed, and then sleeping soundly for 7-8 hours is a consistent goal for many of my clients. It is simply life-changing. Saying goodbye to the tossing and turning, the toilet visits, the 3am racing mind and the restless legs allows us to enjoy complete, restorative, regenerative sleep that sees you absolutely leaping out of bed each morning.
2 - I no longer feel nervous or worried about minor things…. Master F
The way we breathe has a massive impact on how our nervous system operates. Being in control of your breathing, gives you an enormous amount of control over how stimulated and fired up your nervous system is. Breathing well all day every day, means that your “fight or flight” response is switched off most of the time - this brings a sense of calm, peace and order to your life. If a true disaster unfolds, that system is ready to fire up, but it won’t happen because you missed the bus, or have to wait in a slow queue to get your coffee. The change this brings to my clients life is often unexpected, but consistently noted:
- “I didn’t realise how highly strung I was”
- “My children used to push my buttons ALL THE TIME, even they have commented on how much calmer I am”
- “Now when I play cricket, I can focus on what is right in front of me, not worry about all the little things that used to distract me”
3 - I have so much more energy and an increased lung capacity….. Mrs F
Feeling like you are tracking towards living your best life, full of vitality and energy and able to make a positive contribution is one of life’s greatest feelings. It is humbling and motivating to see this change occurring in my clients as they master the art of breathing well. In 2023 I have witnessed my clients set goals and challenges that they would have laughed at when we started working together. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings! You don’t need to be a triathlete or marathon runner to reap the benefits of increased energy levels and physical capacity - these benefits translate to social tennis, kicking the footy with your kids and running to catch the bus.
With such gains in physiology, significantly improved sleep and undoubtedly better stress management it is easy to see why Changing your Breathing really does Change Your Life. The BreatheWell Program supports my clients as they work to embrace all that Breathing Retraining can offer. For more information on how to tell if your breathing is impacting your quality of life, read Insight - 5 red flags.
Breathing well allows your body to run efficiently and to thrive. Breathing well is a pleasure and will allow you to achieve so much more with your life. Breathing well will affect how you sleep, how you focus, how you enjoy life and how you turn up for those who are important to you.
The BreatheWell Program is designed for people just like you, to Change Your Breathing, Change Your Life. If you are ready to take control of your breathing and take control of your life, let's get started.
The BreatheWell Program is the result of several years of study and clinical practice.
Driven by the profound results I experienced when I completed a breathing retraining program. The way we breathe has an enormous impact on our well-being. I want to help you stop running on auto-pilot and learn how to BreatheWell and start living your life to your full potential.
So, if you have questions about the program I’d love to hear from you.
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